DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (Approved by AICTE & APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University) Varikoli (P.O), Puthencruze – 682308, Ph: 0484 – 2733010 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WORKSHOP INSTRUCTION MANUAL (Year of Introduction 2019) For the First Year B.Tech Program Affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technogical University 1 INDEX Sl. No: ITEM/ EXPERIMENT PAGE NO. 1 Syllabus 4 2 Tools and Accessories 8 3 Precautionary steps adopted in case of Electrical shocks 14 4 Identification of Electrical Components 16 5 Wiring of simple light circuit for controlling light/ fan point 25 6 Wiring of light/fan circuit using two way switches. (Staircase wiring) 27 7 Wiring of Fluorescent lamps and light sockets with a power circuit for controlling power device. 29 8 Wiring of power distribution arrangement using single phase MCB distribution board with ELCB, main switch and Energy meter. 29 9 Identify different types of batteries with their specifications. 31 10 Demonstrate the Pipe and Plate Earthing Schemes using Charts/Site Visit. 33 11 Additional Exercise/ Experiments 36 (i) Study of Electric Meters 36 (ii) Wiring up of Inverter, Battery and Load 37 2 SYLLABUS ESL 130 ELECTRICAL CATEGORY L & ELECTRONICS ESC 0 WORKSHOP T P CREDIT 0 2 1 YEAR OF INTRODUCTION 2019 Preamble: Electrical Workshop is intended to impart skills to plan and carry out simple electrical wiring. It is essential for the pra .
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