Passing Scanner Object as a Parameter in Java

There are different ways to input data from the user using Scanner Class. Every time when we need input from the user a Scanner object is declared. Sometimes there is a possibility of getting a restriction on the number of objects that can be created. So we may not get a chance to create another object in order to input data from the user. In such a situation, we can pass a Scanner object that is already created as a parameter to the method where you need to input the data. The below code helps you to get a clear idea about it!

Example Code:


import java.util.*; public class Sample < public void examplemethod(Scanner sc) System.out.println( "What is your name? " ); String name =; System.out.println( "Your name is " + name + "!" ); public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException // Instantiating the Scanner class Scanner sc = new Scanner(; Sample ob = new Sample(); // Calling the method and // Passing the Scanner Object ob.examplemethod(sc); // Contributed by PL VISHNUPPRIYAN


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