How to Create a Customer Complaint Form in 5 Steps

customer complaint forms

We love listening to good feedback. But how many of us truly listen when customers express their concerns or issues with any of our products or services?

In business, both positive and negative customer feedback is crucial. When utilized properly, it can ultimately benefit your business.

So, the way you ask customers to share their good experiences with your business, provide them with a customer complaint form so that they can connect with you when they are in need of your assistance.

Today, we’ll guide you to create a customer complaints form to enhance customer service and build a loyal customer base for your business.

Let’s get into it.

Fluent Forms is the most beginner-friendly form builder. Download now and start crafting beautiful forms FREE.

What is a customer complaint form?

A customer complaint form is an effective tool for businesses to collect information when customers face any issue or have concerns about their products/services. It works as a structured document that your customers can fill out to express what went wrong, when it happened, or any other relevant information.

This complaint register form helps businesses address the specific nature of a problem and how to solve it effectively. Moreover, it serves as a valuable feedback mechanism that helps companies become more effective in improving overall customer satisfaction.

Importance of customer complaints form

Having a customer complaint form is crucial from both perspectives. By offering customers a complaint form you make them feel that you care about them and their concerns and on the other hand, you can address their problems and fix them to establish a sustainable business.

Here are more benefits of using a customer complaint form.

What are the types of customer complaints?

There are many different types of customer complaint forms you can create as they vary depending on industry, job type, and business location.

However, if we look universally, some complaints are:

What to include in a customer complaint form?

Again, what you should include in your customer complaint form varies depending on your industry and needs. While including the basic contact input fields are must, there are some more fields you can add based on your business needs—

While crafting a customer complaint form for your business, just ensure that your form is user-friendly and add fields that capture all the necessary details efficiently to investigate and address the customer’s complaint and resolve it.

So, how to create a customer complaint form for your business quickly and effectively? Let me introduce you to a tool that’s irreplaceable and efficient in creating any kind of form for any business.

Fluent Forms: The ultimate customer complaint form builder

customer complaint form builder plugin

Fluent Forms is the fastest WordPress form builder plugin for building any kind of form for any business. This lightest form builder comes with a handful of solid features that ensure a super easy form-building experience.

With Fluent Forms, you can not only create a customer complaint form smoothly, but you can also utilize a range of features to excel in your business and level up your customer satisfaction. Here are some excellent features of Fluent Forms:

Fluent Forms has a lot to offer and can automate your workflow with its diversified and well-defined functions.

Now, let’s learn how to create a customer complaints form using Fluent Forms in 5 easy steps.

5 steps to create a professional customer complaint form

As you already know what to include in your customer complaint form, let’s learn how to create a complaint form for your business without any coding knowledge.

Step 1: Install the Fluent Forms Plugin

The very first step is to install and activate the Fluent Forms plugin on your business website.

Fluent Forms will appear and all you need to do is click “Install” and then “Activate”.

start creating complaint forms with fluent forms

Now click on the “Fluent Forms” and you will see an “Add New Form” button to create your complaint form.

create a new customer complaint form with fluent forms

Clicking on “Add New Form” will show you 3 options:

how to create a customer complaint form: instructional screenshot

You can pick any of the options. Suppose you selected “New Blank Form”, then you will have such an interface below:

How to create a customer complaint form with fluent forms

Step 3: Add fields and Customize your client complaint form

Adding fields in your form is easy. You’ll have 50+ input fields on the right side of your screen that come within 4 different categories;

To create a complaint form, let’s try with the basics; add the Name, Email, Phone, and address fields first.

Customize your complaint form with fluent forms

Also, you have advanced options too. You can use conditional logic to make your complaints form more professional.

Step 4: Design your client complaint form

Once you added all the necessary fields in your client complaint form and saved the form, you have a preview and design button just beside the “Save Form” button.

Preview your client complaint form to design

Once you click on the “Preview” button, you will have options to start designing your customer complaint form.

Complaint form with fluent forms

You are flexible to change your form’s style, the container’s color, set the margin & padding, the asterisk style, the after-submit message style, and many more.

Sample design of customer complaints form using fluent forms

Done with your design? Now is the time to learn how to publish your complaint form on your website.

Step 5: Publish your customer complaint form

Now you are all set to publish your complaint register form. You can publish your form wherever you want, you just need to copy the shortcode and paste it to a page or post. You can even utilize the dedicated landing page feature if you want, or as mentioned earlier, you can also share your form outside WordPress.

To publish your customer complaint form on a page, you need to go to “Pages” from your WordPress dashboard. You can add a new page or you can publish it on an existing page.

customer complaints page

And then you need to set your page title, add a new block “Shortcode” and paste your form’s shortcode. Congratulations, your customer complaints form is published and live on your website! You can check out the demo customer complaint form below.

Do you want to get notified via email whenever someone submits a complaint through your customer complaint form?

Get email notifications for every form submission

With Fluent Forms, you can get an email notification right after any form submission. To enable this feature, first of all, go to Settings & Integration.

Email notification on the customer complaint register form

Click on Email Notifications and toggle on to enable email notifications.

Click on the Add Notification button to set up your email.

enabling email notification on Fluent forms on your client complaint form

You can set the Notification Name, Send to email address, Subject, Email Body, Conditional Logic, and more.

This feature is very useful for both; you can send an email to the users or get notified on your email as well.

Setting up email notification on complaint forms using fluent forms

You are all set to get a notification instantly every time your customer complaint form is submitted.

At this point, let’s see some customer complaint form templates for you to get inspiration and make complaint forms for your business.

Customer complaint form templates

Here are some customer complaint form templates for you to understand what it looks like.

Customer complaint form template variation 1:

customer complaint form

Complaint form variation 2:

customer complaint form template

Client complaint form variation 3:

customer complaint forms

We are almost at the end of our discussion. But before we conclude, here’s a list of best practices for creating a perfect customer complaints form you should follow.

Best practices for creating complaint forms

Crafting an effective customer complaint form is crucial for gathering accurate and actionable information.

Here are some best practices to consider when creating your complaint forms:

  1. Keep the form simple and easy to understand. Try to use clear and concise language to minimize confusion.
  1. Include only essential fields to avoid overwhelming customers. You should focus on collecting information crucial for investigating and resolving the issue.
  1. Organize the form in a logical and structured manner. Use sections/categories to group related information.
  1. Provide clear instructions on how to fill out the form and ensure that your complaint form is accessible on various devices.
  1. Include various contact options (phone, email, online form) for customer convenience and allow them to choose their preferred method.
  1. Clearly outline how the information will be used and protected by Incorporating privacy statements and consent options.
  1. Provide an acknowledgment of the complaint submission and let them know the expected timelines for resolution.

Creating a user-friendly customer complaint form is essential for your business’s reputation in the long run. So, keep in mind the best practices and craft effective complaint forms.

Closing Note

Crafting an effective customer complaint form is essential for gathering accurate information and fostering customer satisfaction. Following the best practices, such as simplicity, clarity, and user-friendliness, you can enhance your business reputation and address customer pain points efficiently.

With the right tool like Fluent Forms, you can create professional and user-friendly complaint forms quickly and effectively.

So, don’t overlook the significance of having a comprehensive customer complaints form. Be open to hearing your customers’ pain and establish a sustainable business.